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Teacher Spotlight:

LuShanna Thompson

LuShanna Thompson came to All Our Kin in the spring of 2006. She was caring for a few children in her community, and wanted to become a professional child care provider. Through the Toolkit Box project, Lushanna opened the Every Child Ahead Day Care later that year.

Becoming licensed was only the first step in LuShanna's journey. Committed to growing and learning, LuShanna participates in every workshop and training offered by AOK. In 2009, Lushanna completed All Our Kin's Child Development Associate training course, worth six college credits. When she received her credential, she wrote to us: "I just want to thank all of you guys for everything, the All Our Kin staff, my family, and most of all myself for not giving up and believing I could do this for myself and the children I care for. There's nothing better than getting up on a Saturday and getting my CDA in the mail."

In true LuShanna fashion, she jumped at the opportunity to participate in All Our Kin's Zero-Interest Loan Fund and was chosen as an inaugural recipient of a loan and grant from All Our Kin. LuShanna purchased high-quality books and learning materials to set up a reading corner. On a recent visit, each child in her program, from eighteen months to three years, sat together reading his or her very own copy of "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" by Eric Carle on the cozy cushions.

LuShanna and her program were recently featured in a story on All Our Kin and family child care on "Better Connecticut" on channel 3, WFSB, in Hartford. The story airs on Wednesday, December 9th at 10:00 a.m. and can be found on-line after the 9th by clicking here.


“The level of service at Every Child Ahead LLC is fantastic. Having had my child in your care for a couple of years, I am consistently impressed by the professionalism you provide. Thank you for all that you do!”

Cheryl A.

“In this day and age, it’s hard to find a daycare you can trust. Every Child Ahead LLC was recommended to me by a friend, and now I know why – the quality of service I received was outstanding. Keep up the good work!”

Christine A.


We hope this year is happy, healthy, prosperous and peaceful for you and your loved ones. Thank you for all you do for our family. We feel so lucky to have found you. Knowing that Ryan is in your care in place of laughter, love and learning is a wonderful thing. You are very appreciated!

Warmly, Sandra & John

As a parent, I felt comforted to know that my child was safe when he was in your care. Several services I enjoyed are safe environment and clean environment. The fact that you cooked food for the kids and not just feeding them box foods, I liked that you took them to field trips whether its going shopping with them, taking them to the park and summer movies. Both my child and I enjoyed the trip to the museum, and story time to which you invited kids in your care and there parents. Also, I remember how creative you are with the kids: The games, crafts, and art work you do with them. My son and I I still sing "Days of the week", The color Song "RED, Red" and "Twinkle, Twinkle Trafic Light." As a nursing student at the time, and very busy. I can remember several times when LuShanna worked with Parents; "whether it's opening early or closing late, so the parent can go to clinical, school, appointments or during snow days when schools were delayed. I could always count on LuShanna. Also, Her older kids interacted so nicely with the kids, sort of made it fun for kids play time. I would recommend every Child Ahead to family and friends.


Children and Learning go Hand & Hand!

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